Ярославский государственный университет им. П.Г.Демидова
тел./ факс: +7(4852) 79-77-51
Научная деятельность Документы Подразделения Молодежная наука

Конференция FRUCT в Ярославле


В конце апреля в нашем университете прошла крупная международная конференция Ассоциации открытых инноваций FRUCT. Посетили мероприятие более 100 студентов, аспирантов и специалистов со всего мира. Естественно, такое событие не могло пройти мимо редколлегии «Территории науки». Мы решили побеседовать с одним из гостей конференции, аспирантом из Бразилии. Дик Карилло (Dick Carillo) рассказал нам о теме своего научного исследования и возможностях сотрудничества с российскими коллегами, а также поделился своими впечатлениями от Ярославля.

-         First of all, could you tell us about yourself?
-         I’m working in Brazil at the research center called CPqD*. We are developing prototypes in broadband technologies, and providing IT training to other companies in Brazil. Also we are travelling frequently to a lot of conferences to share our projects.

-         And what about your scientific topic? To what scientific problem it is devoted to?
-         My scientific topic devoted to network technologies; specifically it is related to cognitive wireless mesh network. I believe that it is important telecommunication field, because RF (radio frequency) capacity is limited, and we should improve its usage. Therefore, we propose a cognitive algorithm, which allows the users to share the same RF space.

-         And could you tell our readers about cognitive networks in simple words? How the differ from “ordinary” network?
-         Cognitive network has two type of users: primary user, who is the owner of the licensed RF band, and secondary user, who is going to use the RF space while the primary user does not occupy it (at the particular time and on the particular frequency). That is the basic idea.

-         Do you know about analogue scientific projects held in Russia? Or do you believe that you can find some fellows at the conference to study your problems with Russian colleagues?
-         No, I don’t know, and that is why I came to this conference. I would like to have a look, what is going on here, in Russia. Maybe, I will find here some colleagues. Of course, it will be a good option. And, probably, I should learn more Russian words before my next visit here))).

-         But how did you know about the conference, held in so-far-away Yaroslavl?
-         I’ve got the information at IEEE website, that is the main information source for such kind of events.

-         Is it your first visit to Russia? And do you already have an opportunity to see our city, our university?
-         Yes, it’s my first time in Russia. I’ve arrived here 2 days ago, and I’ve already take a look at the historical part of the city. I really enjoyed walking here, especially along the river. I wish to come back here with my family to show them this beauty.

-         Well, I hope, you will have such an opportunity some day. I also would like to talk about your background. You studied in Brazil, am I right?
-         Well, not exactly. Basically, I’m from Peru, and my undergraduate course was there. And then I prolong my education at postgraduate course in Brazil. I have a Master degree, and now I’m working on my PhD

-         As a foreign student in Brazil, could you give some advice for your Russian colleagues, who also would like to study abroad?
-         I believe that many countries, including Brazil, provide a great opportunity and invest a lot of money in postgraduate courses. Despite of that, graduated students do not taking advantage of these opportunities, because most of them start to work in companies’ right after the university. And that is the real chance for foreign students. Just not to be afraid and apply to the university you have chosen.


* (ed.) Brazilian telecom research and development company CPqD provides operations and business support systems, consulting services, and IT industry training and solutions. It operates in various areas, including product technologies, optics technologies, and IT solutions.

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